Thursday, September 15, 2011

Starting to Feel It!

     Now that I am well into my second week of a vegan diet and I am already feeling different. It's not a huge change, but my energy levels are up and I haven't had any ulcer pain or random chest pains. I am really starting to like the food and I'm not missing meat and cheese as much. Although I think I may in the future have to drop the title "vegan" and adopt a more suitable title of "plant based vegetarian" diet, because I plan on incorporating fish back into my diet.

     So, to track the affects of this diet on my body, I wrote down all my medical issues in a journal and I plan on updating it each week to see where I am at with my symptoms and overall health. In about a month I'll have a check up with my doctor, in which all my numbers will be checked, ie: cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, etc. I am excited to see how much my cholesterol levels have gone down and I'd be really happy if I manage to get my blood pressure down, because otherwise, I will probably be prescribed meds.

     The other modification that I've made to my diet was upping my B and C vitamins, I now take two pills a day one with breakfast and one with dinner, instead of just one in the am. I started out taking the Super B&C vitamins a few months ago for depression, and it WORKED! So I just kept on taking them, but I think now that I am on this new diet, I may need more B and I know that a double dose won't hurt. So I'll track the affects of that as well.

Happy eating!

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